Restrictive “free” WiFi can leave you *less* secure and your devices not working. Here’s how to fix both problems simultaneously.
internet / social media / technology / twitter
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Getting Selected Tweets Via RSS or IRC/IM
How to get the stuff you want to read from Twitter without checking Twitter.
internet / social media / social networks
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Dogwhistles and birdsites and walled gardens, oh my!
I have both personal and professional concerns about Musk buying the birdsite.
internet / security / technology
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The Importance of Password Managers: Job Seeker Edition
Job hunters need to be particularly careful these days to avoid identity theft.
bigot / business / discrimination / diversity / internet
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The Business Implications of Godwin’s Second Law
If they can’t empathize with a character that looks different than themselves, how can they empathize with anyone else? Including your customers?
advertising / business / internet
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Vague Ban Messages: Another Reason To Own Your Own Web Presence
If you rely on another service for your web presence, you are at the mercy of that service.