Having posts removed is annoying. Having things you wrote ALTERED without your knowledge or consent by a social media company means that you can trust *nothing* written on that social media site.
Getting Selected Tweets Via RSS or IRC/IM
How to get the stuff you want to read from Twitter without checking Twitter.
An Interfaith Prayer Service That Was First Conducted Over Twitter
Back in 2009, I created a twitter account simply for leading twitter prayer services. It was run by a basic script engine – and could still be done […]
Some quick ways to get me to block/unfollow you on social media
TL;DR: If you spam my ass with things about your book or tag me in events, videos, and other things I’m not actually involved with, then the odds […]
Learning The Value of Twitter Chat & Storify With Victoria Strauss About Copyright & Contracts For Indie Writers
I have to admit my prior skepticism of twitter “chats”. Sure, you could arrange by hashtag, but it seemed… cumbersome. And I won’t lie – even after following […]
Grokking Twitter: The Why Of Social Media
I originally wrote this for a small audience, but thought I’d share with you all. While I largely use Twitter as a “baseline” here, it applies equally well […]