Using some command line tools (which you can also use on Windows with WSL), you can save yourself a LOT of time and energy backing up your Shopify store.
advertising / business / internet
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Some Places (Still) Don’t Want to Admit They’re Making Your Food
It just feels… *wrong* that a place would want to hide who was actually making your food.
internet / online / programming / security
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kpf – KeepassXC With fzf in Bash
TL;DR: Using fzf, you can get your passwords out of your Keepass database from the commandline easily with this script.
internet / technology
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They’re Filling Google Drive With Spam
If you’re just finding out about this too, there’s only one thing you can do.
internet / online / social media
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Validation and Shouting Into The Void
Take the time to thank someone creating things on the internet today.
internet / science / social justice / society
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I Heard It On The Internet
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.