The principle I used when talking about the difference between the strength of a relationship and what you do in that relationship applies elsewhere in relationships, business, academics… […]
How capital R is your relationship? Does sex automatically make it more important than other relationships?
I think we need to rethink the way we talk about relationships.1 Consider this: A person can have a best friend, someone they share every little detail of […]
Sometimes a logical fallacy isn’t a fallacy when you’re talking about human interactions
The “sunk cost fallacy” (explanation here) is often held up as one way that normally rational people fall prey to silly, silly irrationality. And along those same lines, […]
Ash Wednesday
Today is the day that I remind myself exactly what I screwed up, and how much I screwed up, and what could be happening today instead of what […]
The danger of (emotional) self-diagnosis
It’s true – medical folks tend to hate WebMD and Google. There’s a really simple reason why. It’s known to everybody who has taken a class in psychology […]
a few random pictures of me, and a thought
So last Saturday (or really, early Sunday morning) I managed to trip on concrete and scrape the hell out of my face. I know, I’m a bloody sexy […]