I think there is one cardinal rule of relationships. Everyone involved has to want to make the relationship as good as it possibly can be. Sure, sometimes there’s […]
the emotional range of a dog.
I have the emotional range of a dog. This isn’t a bad thing, really. Oh, sure, it can be annoying – the wanting attention, the eating of stuff […]
we are all broken
Pain makes people change. — banksy (@thereaIbanksy) January 18, 2015 By the time you’re an adult (and sometimes much sooner), just about everyone is broken. Everyone has experienced […]
Two quotes
These two images (and quotes) seemed relevant to things I’ve been talking about lately.
Failing the relationship test
As I’ve been talking with friends over the last month, several people have told me about a particular thing that people1 do: They ask their partner for something […]
feeling is a type of knowing
Saw this tweeted recently: Your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel. — banksy (@thereaIbanksy) January 17, 2015 That’s crap. Because it’s ignoring that […]