Intent matters. Start with that thesis statement. This is pretty clearly codified in our laws – there’s a hell of a difference between manslaughter and first degree murder, […]
The difference between boundaries and rules
Boundaries are very, very different from both threats and rules.
The Relationship Escalator and Certainty In Relationships (Questioning is hard, but good)
I saw this cartoon about the relationship escalator on Facebook, where a friend had posted it “friends-only”… which meant the rest of you couldn’t see the attachment.1 [Edit: […]
Word Porn Quotes
I originally snagged these from this and this imgur album; the original source (though not the images) seems to be the Word Porn tumblr.
Deliberateness is not easy… but it is not hard either
The efforts in creating a safe space at Penguicon all have one characteristic – they’re about making the unconscious deliberate. That is also the feature that I appreciate […]
Forget your stubby t-rex arms. Let go.
Sometimes I forget my own advice. Because I’ve caused myself a lot of grief and heartache over the last… well, a while. Over different things. And really, it’s […]