There are no contracts stating the price of admission, and that’s okay.
Should Your Drama Prove Sincere
We all have an obligation to ourselves first.
We have an obligation to put the oxygen mask on our own face first. We have an obligation to consciously decide how to spend our time and energy.
We have an obligation to enforce our own boundaries.
Don’t Assume the Price of Admission (And Importance) of Your Relationships
If you don’t look at all your expectations and “prices of admission” in a relationship, you’re going to get hurt.
And Sometimes You Screw Up
Sometimes you just pooch everything. But there’s still something you absolutely should NOT do.
Advice for When You Start To Establish Boundaries With A Narcissist
Advice for When You Start To Establish Boundaries With A Narcissist
(or someone with narcissistic behaviors)
Good Boundaries Free You
A boundary only states what you are willing to do. The other person can do whatever they like. You’re simply controlling your own body and destiny.