It’s that time of year again. The time of year when posturing hypocritical blowhards suddenly seem to give a damn about a religion they’re surprisingly unconcerned with the […]
Illegitimus non carborundum est (AND A CONTEST)
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain. –Maya Angelou I hate that quotation. Absolutely loathe it, right […]
“Normal” Template
He tells me that I’m not as strange as I think I am. I’ve known him for years and across states. And he tells me I’m not weird, […]
Writing privacy publicly
The other day, I happened to see where someone I cared a bit about was upset. Yeah, it happened days ago. You either saw it or you didn’t […]
Management 101
You do not always have to reward the people who do more. You always have to avoid rewarding the people who do less.
You might be a racist if…
I’ve long said that the easiest way to tell if a joke or statement is “ist” (racist, sexist) is to substitute another category and see how cringe-worthy it […]