I’ve long said that the easiest way to tell if a joke or statement is “ist” (racist, sexist) is to substitute another category and see how cringe-worthy it is.
Today’s installment:
“They got mad on me because they thought I told a gay joke. Well, I did tell one gay joke, but it was a really funny one.”
Substitute other groups – especially ones you belong to – for the word “gay” in the above sentence.
“They got mad on me because they thought I told a dumb blonde joke. Well, I did tell one dumb blonde joke, but it was a really funny one.”
“They got mad on me because they thought I told a fat joke. Well, I did tell one fat joke, but it was a really funny one.”
Don’t get it yet?
“They got mad on me because they thought I told a black joke. Well, I did tell one black joke, but it was a really funny one.”
If that didn’t make you cringe, then we’re done talking, move along smartly. If, on the other hand, only the last statement made you wince, figure out why.
And then fix it.