Oh, the irony. Take a look at this asshat. I mean really. (Link to articles mentioned here and here.) “Transforming Ohio for Growth”? Really? So you’re going to […]
If Fox News Existed in 1776
As I commented on Twitter yesterday, I’ve noticed the strange relationship that Americans (really, USAians) have with “democracy”: We seem to think that “democracy” is synonymous with “likes […]
Hell is apparently 100 degrees F
Last week, National Geographic posted some images taken by Greenpeace of EU protests about a train carrying nuclear waste. These images show “red-hot nuclear waste” showing a “demonic […]
And this passes as logic?
Last week I got drug into a conversation about healthcare reform. The person I was speaking to was bitterly, passionately opposed to any kind of “Obamacare”. I asked […]
Why I’ve quit FrontierVille
Yeah, I know. I said I wasn’t getting into any Facebook games. But I tried Backyard Monsters, based on a recommendation from Hamlet Au, and it wasn’t so […]
A Challenge to the BBC & SyFy
If you need any reason to think that media companies are not aware of the changes in their business, you only have to look at Doctor Who. I […]