TEH TUBES OF THE INTERNETS ARE MAKING TEH CHILRENS STUPIDZ! It’s a pretty common refrain. It’s even hit the webcomics scene with this Joy of Tech cartoon. The […]
Who pats down the TSA?
I’m hyper-efficient. When I fly (or go through metal detectors), I typically have everything pre-packed into coats and bags so they could go through the x-ray. I have […]
Screening for fat kids in schools
No, seriously. Ohio is considering having schools screen schoolkids by BMI. There’s two huge problems with this. One: Measures like this further ostracize the last group it’s okay […]
Evolving Our Economics
Look at the coverage of the economic recovery. Listen to the language that we’re using: “Things are getting back to normal.” We expect things to continue the same way they always have – even though it never does.
Pattern of Blaming
Last week Pat Robertson (as you’ve probably heard) blamed the earthquake in Haiti on some kind of pact with the Deviil. [1] Honestly, it really doesn’t matter to […]
Free Market? No, they're just greedy.
Let’s get this straight: You are not supposed to get filthy rich in a free market. It’s pretty simple, really. In a free market, all the sellers want […]