Some spoilers for Torchwood: Children of Earth and Torchwood: Miracle Day follow. I try to keep it minimal and thematic rather than plot-specific. I have a new […]
Things I Learned From Jury Duty
In no particular order: 1. Having your attorney compare throwing eggs at a house with littering does not help your case. 2. Nobody’s a “good guy” in these […]
Buy Our Food Or The Starving Kid Gets It
Seriously, ConAgra Foods, who the hell do you think you’re kidding? This is a beautiful scam: “When you activate your purchase and enter this code… a monetary donation […]
I went on 24 hour duty at 7am on the morning of 9/11. I don’t bring it up often – mostly because nearly all of my military career […]
Racist, Sexist, Homophobic Rape Apologist a Fox News “Expert”
And the sad part is, this is not an Onion article. And I’m not using anything other than this guy’s own words. So we’ll start with the obvious. […]
Author Gives It Her All… No, Really, For Real Guys.
My opinion of this Onion article’s shifted a little bit, from where it just annoyed me to where I could see it’s (probably unintentional) value. So here it […]