Last week I got drug into a conversation about healthcare reform. The person I was speaking to was bitterly, passionately opposed to any kind of “Obamacare”.
I asked him why.
He began to recite a long list of problems. A list of problems that he had with his own insurance company over the last five years. He told me about the problems he had with health coverage when he changed jobs in the past.
And all I could think was “bwuh?”
He was basing his objections to a future system because of the problems he had with the current system.
When we make our New Year’s Resolutions, maybe “thinking things through” can be one of them.
My big disappointment with the current system is that we were promised replacing the system we had with something closer to NHS. Instead, we replaced the system we had with the same shitty system, and made it mandatory. FUUUUUUUUUUUU!