When is it no longer horrible?
Automatically Shape Bandwidth On Linux
Automatic traffic shaping for when you change networks frequently (like with a laptop).
How To Have A Free (Or Very Low Cost) Synchronized Cross Platform Password Manager
Well over 60% of all hacks and breaches are the result of weak, stolen, default (or reused) passwords. Do you really want to be part of that statistic?
The More Things Change: Tumblr Nipples Edition
Surprise! Automatically detecting “naughty” images still doesn’t work!
They want to control what you see and hear. Stop them.
As I put it back in 2014: A neutral internet leveled the playing field and allowed the public to be entrepreneurs. Is the FCC anti small business? #FCCNetNeutrality […]
I am not a number; I am a free man, OR, why you should never rely on social media
If you don’t personally own your website and data, you don’t have a website or data. Quite simply, you cannot rely on someone else for you to have a website, platform, or social media presence.
Let me tell you why.