I think we need to rethink the way we talk about relationships.1 Consider this: A person can have a best friend, someone they share every little detail of […]
Ash Wednesday
Today is the day that I remind myself exactly what I screwed up, and how much I screwed up, and what could be happening today instead of what […]
The danger of (emotional) self-diagnosis
It’s true – medical folks tend to hate WebMD and Google. There’s a really simple reason why. It’s known to everybody who has taken a class in psychology […]
Helping Others To Help Yourself
As some of you know, I’ve had some difficulties in my life. In particular, the ones I’ve brought on myself. I’ve learned from them – especially thanks to […]
The Types of Schadenfreude (but only one type of pie)
Schadenfreude is a delightful word for a not-delightful idea: It’s taking delight in the harm to others. But I’m going to suggest that the range of studies on […]
Trying to Listen to the Drumming of the Tanuki
My amour got a mug for me while she was away at a writing retreat. You should know that she has this knack for finding things that are […]