You have experienced pain. If you’re old enough to read this – or even have it read to you – you have experienced pain. It doesn’t matter why […]
The Difference Between Acknowledging and Triaging: Things the Men’s Right Movement (and many of the rest of us) Haven’t Learned
There is a difference between acknowledgement and triage. Acknowledging someone’s subjective pain or difficulty is completely different from triaging (assigning the priority needed) to fix that pain. Again, […]
How Do You Rate Other’s Pain?
It is all too easy to look at someone else’s pain and say “I’ve been through worse.”
The Three Things That Make or Break Relationships
At a recent party1, the conversation turned to relationships. Capital-R relationships. Serious relationships. Romantic relationships. And I shared my biggest relationship tip of them all: Listen to the […]
Using “I Feel” Correctly: A Challenge For December
I want you to try an experiment this month. We often say “I feel” to describe an action, a judgement, or what we imagine someone else is thinking. […]
Empathic Bullying
It’s ironic that my girlfriend and I were talking a week ago about sociopaths. Because right now, I’m seeing supposedly neurotypical “empaths” causing more harm to our societal […]