I’m trying to craft something that has the best of one-shots and campaigns at the same time. Check it out!
Improve Your Minecraft With These Texture Packs
Resource packs can do a lot, and are really easy to install. There’s several great resource packs that do a lot to tweak the experience, and I want to highlight a few here.
Summarizing the Responses To My GamerGate Post, And A Call To Action If They’re Serious
For something that was a personal manifesto, my blog post yesterday seemed to strike a bit of a defensive nerve. (You are more than welcome to poke through […]
If You Identify As GamerGate, I’m Going To Assume You Don’t Care About Games, Just Other People’s Sex Lives
I am so done with GamerGate1. I mean, I thought we were done with this already, that GamerGate’s motivations were blindingly obvious, but apparently not. So let me […]
Unlearning helplessness in the virtual world
First, I recommend you listen to the “How We Learn and Unlearn To Be Helpless” episode of the You Are Not So Smart Podcast. (Or if you’re short […]
A Unique Opportunity for Origins and GenCon
There is an unique opportunity coming up for two of the largest gaming conventions to demonstrate their commitment to diversity. The convention themselves. Let me explain. Both Origins […]