I have different music that I listen to when I write or edit. And soundtracks – especially game soundtracks – really fit that bill nicely. I’ll be talking […]
Star Conflict: The Most Fun I’ve Had Flying A Spaceship In Years
There is a kick ass space fighter sim out there called "Star Conflict". And it’s not only easy to pick up and start playing, but it’s both cross-platform […]
Blood Bowl, Hansel & Gretel, and Knights of Badassdom: Bloody fun stuff
This last weekend (what with all the snow and such) meant I had a lot of time. I decided to spend some of it with Blood Bowl and […]
Prepare for Descent!
Oh, how I remember this game. And if you don’t remember this game… it’s got for real six-axis controls and tunnels and robots and missiles and… oh, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. […]
Playing at Living, Living to Play
Maybe it’s because I’ve been reading Play This Thing too much, or maybe it’s because I’m really enjoying the crap out of Guitar Hero. I don’t know. What […]
Manifesto Games (xpost)
(Crossposted between the Resource List and Ideatrash) As I spent the last few days sitting (I threw my back out over the weekend), I spent a lot of […]