I was a single parent when being a single parent wasn’t okay. Photo by Sebastián León Prado on Unsplash Well, it was for me; I was a male […]
Cutting Yourself On The Mirrored Sides Of The Edges Of A Relationship
I keep notes on things that I want to write and talk about on the blog. Some of them don’t really warrant a full post, so I hold […]
Open Letter To My Son And My Ex (Yes, Again, Sorry Everyone)
Sorry folks. I try to not post this stuff on here too much. This is a time-sensitive thing, and I can’t pass up the chance to see my […]
Sharing Advice: Practical Lessons From the Far Side of a Divorce (Part 2 of 2)
So this is the attitude I was talking about yesterday: Yeah, it’s a parody. And yeah, it actually is pretty damn funny… as a joke. Not as real […]
Sharing Advice: Practical Lessons From the Far Side of A Breakup (1 of 2)
Over the last couple years, I’ve had a lot of change in my life. I have referred to some of it here, obliquely. I’ve told some – and […]
So, that's a relationship, then.
A few random thoughts as this divorce gets legal right about now (I actually have a longish post for tomorrow, but these are some important snippets that others […]