When recovering from abuse – particularly abuse from someone using narcissistic techniques – it’s common for the recovering person to end up hurting the people who are in the healthiest relationships with them.
They Want You To Think You’re Alone. You’re Not.
Abusers don’t just thrive on physical isolation. They train you to isolate yourself.
The Art of the Relationship Insta-Kill
What would be a relationship instakill for you? She blew all of the tax return money on a weekend of drugs.He showed her a picture of a model, […]
Seeing red flags on reality TV in real time #BB19
My amour has gotten me into Big Brother; and in this case, I’m particularly glad. You don’t need to know much about the show – other than that […]
Identifying the Common Shitty Squirrel behavior
I posted this cartoon from Poorly Drawn Lines on social media yesterday with the comment “I know people whose significant others are like this.” And… yeah. I do […]
Running the abuser on a separate mental loop – and how that hurts the ones who care
Something happens when you’re in an abusive1 (or otherwise awful) relationship. You learn to cope. It’s especially effective (but does not require) when the abuser has succeeded […]