I apparently missed the street preacher on Wright State’s campus today. He was (according to my wife, who he called a “loose woman“) ranting about Freddie the Fornicating […]
Literal Literary Belief
I found myself debating against Creationism earlier this week. There’s three points – not the usual ones – that I want to cover. I think they’re all imporant […]
Official Easter
Small note to diversity folks: 1. Putting “Happy Easter!” on the cafeteria menu, but not Passover, is showing official favoritism to a single religion. 2. When you put […]
Prayer Services on Twitter
Earlier today I conducted a prayer service on Twitter. Obviously, I’d be limited by my speed typing – especially for the kind of introductory and semi-meditative service I […]
There’s love, and then there’s LOVE love…
“Love can damage more than you can heal with drinking.” – Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Once upon a time, there was a reflective man. These days, people might want […]
Majority Minority
It isn’t hard to find silly Facebook advocacy groups. Pepperoni Roll awareness groups, Groups refusing to pass along chain letters, “I Secretly Want To Punch Slow Walking People […]