It’s that time of year again. The time of year when posturing hypocritical blowhards suddenly seem to give a damn about a religion they’re surprisingly unconcerned with the […]
MARCON – and the Panel of Doom
The first day back to work after a con is always a downer. I had a lot of fun at MARCON this year. Some of my personal highlights […]
Heyzanna zanna zanna ho
In 1999, when I drove to the Grand Canyon through the Arizona and New Mexico scrubland, I listened to Jesus Christ Superstar. I had to pull over because […]
Pattern of Blaming
Last week Pat Robertson (as you’ve probably heard) blamed the earthquake in Haiti on some kind of pact with the Deviil. [1] Honestly, it really doesn’t matter to […]
Jesus would be ashamed of Christianity (Vignette Three)
Yeshua ben-Yosef was a radical, and died like one. It doesn’t matter whether or not he was divine. Not really. The man had the radical idea of treating […]
Playing with attachments
[Steve’s note: I reserve the right to be completely wrong in my interpretation of religious texts. And that’s more than you’ll get from most folks, huh?] When I […]