Note that when I say “relationships”, I mean any relationships, whether it’s romantic, friendly, or otherwise. It’s a fairly simple rule, and one that shouldn’t be too big of […]
Anchors, Primaries, and Unidirectional Flows of Relationships
I really enjoy delving into the aspects that we don’t question around relationships. The problem then is that there aren’t really any good terms – or sometimes even concepts – […]
The Economic Reason Why Self-Worth Is the Only Worth
I never really grokked why people emphasized “love yourself” and made such a big deal about self-worth. I mean, I guess I kind of intellectually got it, but it didn’t […]
The Positive Point Of Being Able To Be Hurt
Earlier this week, I got hurt. It was a very specific kind of hurt. While it resembled garden-variety hurt that happens to nearly everyone, nearly all the time, […]
When Jealousy Is Not Irrational
Earlier this week, I mentioned my advice to a Redditor to describe his jealousy as “stupid” and “irrational”… which got me an earful from several quarters. And rightfully […]
There’s A Dark Side to Relationship Anarchy If You’re Not Careful
[EDIT: The link to an explanation to RA has been changed due to there being questions about the quality of the person giving the explanation. It now points […]