So this is what I get for burying the lede and being imprecise in my post yesterday. So let me break down a few things. First, the thesis […]
Where I disagree with Dan Savage
[Edit: You should see this expansion post and clarification that will post 1/28 @ 0930 EST.] I disagree with Dan Savage on one major thing. I think that The […]
Be True To Who You Are
There’s something toxic about hiding who you really are.It doesn’t seem to matter *what* it is that you’re hiding, or even whether you’re hiding it from others… or […]
Jealousy and Envy: Sibling Rivalry
Jealousy has a sibling, close enough in appearance that they’re often mistaken for each other. But like siblings, these two emotions are different and must be handled in […]
What’s the most important thing in (or reason for) a relationship?
In a recent conversation, it became clear that Amanda and I had very different views on the most important thing in relationships. “I want someone to go on […]
The Most Important Question On OKCupid (As Far As I’m Concerned)
It is perhaps the most important question on OK Cupid: Would you rather date someone who almost never made a mistake but doesn’t admit their flaws, or someone […]