I sighed when I saw the title: “Why this radical leftist is tired of leftist culture.” I was afraid that I would know what the blog was talking […]
If You Identify As GamerGate, I’m Going To Assume You Don’t Care About Games, Just Other People’s Sex Lives
I am so done with GamerGate1. I mean, I thought we were done with this already, that GamerGate’s motivations were blindingly obvious, but apparently not. So let me […]
A helpful hint to politicians and groups that use call centers
When someone says “Please take me off your call list,” that means they don’t want to get any phone calls from you. Including the current one. I understand […]
Cinncinati Archdiocese to Employees: You must all be Catholic, and We Don’t Trust You.
The Roman Catholic Church is willing to let employees at Catholic hospitals, schools, and other institutions go without health care because it might be used for something they disagree with.
No, I’m not kidding. Not at all.
Tell everyone about the flaws they’re painfully aware of this holiday season!
At least, that’s damn near what the UK’s National Obesity Forum and International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk is telling people, as per this article: “Tell loved ones they […]
Writer’s Self-Affirmation
This occurred to me after being turned down for a job I wanted. Yeah, it stung for a moment. It did. And I spontaneously started saying this to […]