When someone says “Please take me off your call list,” that means they don’t want to get any phone calls from you.
Including the current one.
I understand that you’re doing a job, or that you really believe in what you’re doing. I get that. Most of the soliciting calls I get are for political causes and committees that I support. That’s why I am not wasting your time by keeping you on the phone with me. I understand the role of fundraising, and I do support them financially… just not in response to phone calls.
So I try to be respectful. “Please remove me from your call list and add me to any do-not-call list that you maintain.” And no matter of cajoling, badgering, or NLP (gag) is going to turn me into a conversion.
Because here’s the thing: I don’t know who is actually calling me. I’m never going to give out my credit card information over the phone unless I start the phone call. (Caller ID can be spoofed, y’know.) It has nothing to do with how important it is, or how much I support you.
But when I am not treated with the same respect for my time that I show for yours, I am less likely to ever donate or support you in the future.
Actually, let me take that back. You could turn me into a conversion.
If you treat me with respect, the worst that happens is that I dismiss your group. If you waste my time by continuing to try to get money out of me, you will convert me – into someone who will go out of my way to not support your group. Ever. In any way.
Yes, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, I’m calling you out here.