This occurred to me after being turned down for a job I wanted. Yeah, it stung for a moment. It did. And I spontaneously started saying this to myself in the car.
Because as writers, we have this skill down to a frakking science. And it’s ours, no matter what our day job title is.
I am a writer.
I am used to being turned down.
I am used to be being turned away.
I enjoy it. I want it, because that means I haven’t given up.
Reject me. I will try again.
I will get better.
I will try harder.
I will try somewhere else.
I will try someone with better taste. 1
And I will succeed.
1 Optional line here: And when you realize what an idiot you were for rejecting me, I will be gracious, and smile, and negotiate my wages 50% over what you meant to pay.