First, let’s get one thing clearly out of the way: The terrorist actions in Mumbai are horrible. The terrorists should be captured (if necessary). Massive police work must […]
Selfish Christmas
(Something a little more rant-y to set off the intellectual bits from earlier…) The Christmas carols over loudspeakers and “Merry Christmas” wishes have already started, despite the fact […]
It ain’t over…
August Pollack (often a very funny guy), has a kind of clue-free cartoon up today: In many ways, this election was like a political rally – like the […]
Hypocrisy makes me all frothy….
…and religious hypocrisy is worst of all. Of course, never mind that the Pope told Bush to not go to war in Iraq. THAT, of course, is conveniently […]
Religion Ain’t Values
I’ve had a long and stormy relationship with religion, Christianity in particular. Often, the biggest problems I’ve had are when people and organizations that identify themselves with Christianity […]
Not giving up
It has been a long night for me. Not (just) because of the election, but because almost immediately after my ankle pain/restless legs stuff started kicking in. It’s […]