My son’s den leader sent out an e-mail to the entire den – and apparently everyone they know in the pack. It was one of those nod-and-a-wink “nonpartisan” […]
The Zen of Lazy
I am a lazy individual. This comes as some surprise to my son and co-workers. They see me attempt to be hyper-organized, and wonder how the #%# I […]
Diversity of Food Week
“And for Diversity Week, we’re going to have Lebanese food!” “Ah,” I said. “We’ll do that instead of assessing the structural effects that cause housekeeping and food services […]
Shifting the Definition of Greed
Yesterday, Sen. McCain made an interesting comment. He claimed that the definition of “rich keeps creeping down.” I don’t think someone who owns more houses than he has […]
One note wonder
As I read through another survey of sociological theories, I’m struck by the repetition of a single theme: That all actions have a single theme. Things are more […]
This was a trial
There are few things that I can really claim from my home state of West Virginia. I prefer valleys and hills to plains. I like forests. Because of […]