I remember hearing George Carlin on a cassette tape, at a friend’s house. We were teenagers, and only vaguely delinquent. We laughed as we smoked and listened; a […]
Taking Veggie Tales waaaaay too seriously.
The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything is a cute Veggie Tales movie, with plenty of intentional funny moments (and quite a few unintentional ones if you’re feeling sarcastic). […]
Celebrity Shock
As I scanned through the last quarter’s worth of the Writer magazine (yes, scanning…somehow I was supposed to have free time now…) I noticed that many of the […]
The melted pot
I distinctly remember being taught the concept of the melting pot in third grade. The illustration had cartoon people hanging off the edges of a large stewpot into […]
Things That Should Be Simple
For some reason, there’s been a slew of little minor social annoyances that simply Should Not Be. They’re easy to fix, and generally shouldn’t be a problem, but […]
Customer Service Safewords
Can technology customer service have a safeword? Something like “I know what a SDIMM chip is” or “I’ve configured triggered port forwarding by reading man pages” that lets […]