I wrote a small script for showing a “now playing” display for MPD!
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Highlights of my Coding Work
Here’s a quick feature/overview of the programs I’ve written that I’m happiest with.
bash / programming
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Enhanced modular bookmarking (and more) for Newsboat or Newsbeuter
Enhanced, modular, bookmarking for newsboat, newsbeuter, or (for that matter) anything that can pass a title and an URL to a program.
bash / linux / programming
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MAN, it’s APROPOS. TL;DR: A fix to too many CHEAT sheets
If you snickered, take a look at this project of mine that unifies manpages, apropos, cheatsheets, and TLDR sheets.
bash / linux / programming
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A TMUX Devours A Bar
If you use TMUX, you probably want to take a quick look at this post. 🙂
mpd / programming
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Updates to MPDQ (automagic playlists for the Music Player Daemon)
Two very nice QoL tweaks to my script that automatically creates diverse playlists for MPD.