I wrote a bash script that – like the defunct Cuttlefish program – runs programs in userspace on network change.
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A Quick GUI for Adding Tasks to Todo.Txt
Yes, a GUI for a text oriented thing. It’s useful for me, and might be for you.
bash / linux / programming
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X11, Kodi, CRON, The Terminal and You
I figured out how to (safely) start an X11 program – Kodi in this case – from the commandline. Written up here for someone else trying to figure out the same thing.
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Control Your Router’s Port Forwards Programatically
Automatically open and close ports on your DD-WRT (or other advanced) router only when your server needs them.
bash / programming
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Embed Weather and Time On An Image (BASH)
Get weather and time embedded into images for your use (BASH).
internet / online / programming / security
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kpf – KeepassXC With fzf in Bash
TL;DR: Using fzf, you can get your passwords out of your Keepass database from the commandline easily with this script.