I’m speaking about Kelly Swails’ honest questions – why aren’t people talking about Blago (the corrupt Gov. in Illinois) more in connection with Obama? She’s not saying that […]
Radicals aren't (just) out to get you
Radicalism doesn’t necessarily come from the intensity or degree of one’s beliefs. It comes from a lack of faith in others. It comes from a feeling of being […]
Sharing the Struggle
"Black voters overwhelmingly turned out for Obama, who they perceived as sharing their struggle. Interestingly, Obama has no personal connection to America’s history of slavery; his father was […]
That word, you keep using it…
I’ve noticed a disturbing trend among conservatives over the last several years. When faced with evidence or arguments opposite to their own beliefs, they claim that they are […]
It ain’t over…
August Pollack (often a very funny guy), has a kind of clue-free cartoon up today: In many ways, this election was like a political rally – like the […]
The Values of Prop 8
Whenever you look at a controversial issue, it’s important to determine what is really going on. Take gun control (please!). There are a lot of “facts” and LOTS […]