There was a thrill of excitement as I read the excerpt of "Motherhood and Morality in America". This frames the morality debate in a completely different light than […]
Corporate … incentives
You might remember that over the last two decades towns, counties, and states have given corporations huge tax breaks and other incentives to relocate to (or even stay […]
The real political divide
Despite the constant attempts to divide people between “Republicans” and “Democrats”, between “blue” and “red”, between “liberal” and “conservative”, the real division isn’t there. For most of us, […]
How the economic downturn is good for the environmental movement.
While listening to the Planet Money podcast, I learned that there’s very few places in the world that are unaffected by the ongoing economic crisis. Ecologically minded folks […]
Passing the Post-Racial Final
It’s nice that Jonah Goldberg, George Will, and many other conservatives are publicly supporting President Obama. It is, really. They’ve apparently just noticed the stuff I’ve seen all […]
An Open Letter to Mr. Obama
Ms. Steinel (aka The Portly Dyke) has a wonderful letter up about the homophobic pastor who is going to be performing the invocation in a little less than […]