I did a literature review to address concerns others raised about legalization of recreational marijuana/cannabis. Here’s what I found.
Loneliness Isn’t Gen Z’s Fault And Won’t Be Solved By Returning To The Office
It’s become quite the trend to talk about “loneliness.” It’s a real problem that has real effects on both individuals and the companies they work for. But there are two troubling trends: blaming the victims and self-serving actions peddled as “solutions”.
Research Roundup: HPV Vaccination And The (Not) Link Between Lockdown And ADHD.
One well-done study with a tantalizing possibility and a poorly-done one being leveraged for political gain.
Silence May Not Be The Healthiest Way To Sleep
A while back I wrote about how pink noise was helping me sleep. Turns out, I was wrong … about *how much* of a good effect it can have.
Addressing Concerns About Marijuana Legalization With Research
I did a literature review to address concerns others raised about legalization of recreational marijuana/cannabis. Here’s what I found.
Not All Substances Are The Same: Bad Research Illustrates How The Conversation Needs To Change
We have to talk about drugs differently. Let’s start with carbs.