This is part #4; you might want to see part #1, part #2, and part #3. I’m not sure what the complete answer is. Maybe there has been […]
When book == ebook
[This is part two; You might want to read part one. The entire thing will be posted in one long-ass post on Saturday.] So I talked about music […]
Not all entertainment is equal
Some things just can’t substitute for another. Rolling Rock for Guinness. Brad Pitt for Humphrey Bogart. Spongebob for Bugs Bunny. E-books for paper books. Well. Maybe they can. […]
The Value of Cheap Trinkets
My son wanted to use the dangling crane machine. “There’s games and balls and stuff in there,” he tells me. “Most of that stuff isn’t worth very much, […]
Free Market? No, they're just greedy.
Let’s get this straight: You are not supposed to get filthy rich in a free market. It’s pretty simple, really. In a free market, all the sellers want […]
Five Reasons to Not Give Your Creative Work Away
Yesterday I covered some reasons why putting your creative work online might be a good thing. Today, we’ll look at five reasons why it might be a bad […]