There’s something fun about finding stuff for free online. It’s everywhere. Free software. Free music. Free movies. Free books and stories. And that’s just the legal stuff. A […]
Keynesian principles – or how I stopped worrying and loved the stimulus
I originally wrote this for @KevinPorter, but I realized that these were questions (and misunderstandings) that I heard a lot. So this is a (very) brief overview of […]
The Next Financial Bubble: Your Salary
Here’s an interesting thought: Neoclassical economics (e.g. the “free market” capitalists) would lead to essentially the same result in regard to wages as socialism. Stick with me; this […]
Corporate … incentives
You might remember that over the last two decades towns, counties, and states have given corporations huge tax breaks and other incentives to relocate to (or even stay […]
How the economic downturn is good for the environmental movement.
While listening to the Planet Money podcast, I learned that there’s very few places in the world that are unaffected by the ongoing economic crisis. Ecologically minded folks […]
Shifting the Definition of Greed
Yesterday, Sen. McCain made an interesting comment. He claimed that the definition of “rich keeps creeping down.” I don’t think someone who owns more houses than he has […]