School levies had really mixed results in my area yesterday. Which got me to thinking. I’ve done a considerable [1] amount of academic studying of economics and education. […]
Evolving Our Economics
Look at the coverage of the economic recovery. Listen to the language that we’re using: “Things are getting back to normal.” We expect things to continue the same way they always have – even though it never does.
What's it worth to you?
There’s a strange concept that persists out there – one that directly impacts the economics of publishing. I’ve used the example of enjoying a book for four hours […]
Cost-Fixing eBooks
[Steve’s note: This is another one of those multi-part things. If I didn’t split it, this would be a 1,500 word essay. (My students should take note of […]
Where socialists and libertarians meet
The central tenet of libertarianism is a compelling one: People create their own destiny based on merit and effort. Especially when it comes to economic success, the idea […]
Pay what it's worth, not what you can get away with.
This is an unplanned follow-up (now part 5 – here’s part one, two, three, and four), based on a comment thread started here by Matt Selznick. He pointed […]