When recovering from abuse – particularly abuse from someone using narcissistic techniques – it’s common for the recovering person to end up hurting the people who are in the healthiest relationships with them.
advice / relationships
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They Want You To Think You’re Alone. You’re Not.
Abusers don’t just thrive on physical isolation. They train you to isolate yourself.
advice / relationships
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What Are You Getting Out Of This?
Ask yourself this question about your current situation. Then decide if it’s worth it.
advice / relationships
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And Sometimes You Screw Up
Sometimes you just pooch everything. But there’s still something you absolutely should NOT do.
advice / relationships / sex
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The Validity of Libido as a Love Language
When “physical touch” gets called “libido”, a whole different set of assumptions and judgements gets pulled into the mix.
advice / programming
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Inspiration And Images
I wrote a program to put pretty pictures behind quotations. I also uploaded all the results for your ease of use.