Having posts removed is annoying. Having things you wrote ALTERED without your knowledge or consent by a social media company means that you can trust *nothing* written on that social media site.
internet / social media / technology / twitter
Posted on:
Getting Selected Tweets Via RSS or IRC/IM
How to get the stuff you want to read from Twitter without checking Twitter.
internet / social media / social networks
Posted on:
Dogwhistles and birdsites and walled gardens, oh my!
I have both personal and professional concerns about Musk buying the birdsite.
internet / social media / social networks
Posted on:
I am not a number; I am a free man, OR, why you should never rely on social media
If you don’t personally own your website and data, you don’t have a website or data. Quite simply, you cannot rely on someone else for you to have a website, platform, or social media presence.
Let me tell you why.
social media / social networks
Posted on:
Centralized social media is dead, long live social media!
I’ve started using Mastodon, and now that the initial buzz has died down, I’m finding it to feel like Twitter in the early days, before the trolls and Nazis and crappiness and “sorted timelines” and “promoted tweets”.