The corporate focus on “wellness choices” is a shiny polish on a toxic attitude.
health / status
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Hello sleepless pain my old friend…
I had another bad night with the RLS with sharp stabbing pains in both ankles and one wrist that left me staggering around, falling asleep standing up or awake and writhing in pain when lying down all night long.
business / health / status update
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Protecting you and your job from chronic illness
Chronic pain and flare ups are bad. Getting punished for them at work is worse.
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The Morning After A Painful Night: Restless Leg Sydrome, Or Something Else? I’m Seeking Advice.
It’s been a couple of years since I mentioned my restless legs syndrome here1, but last night/this morning was bad. I have medications that help most of the […]
health / society / status update
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Restless Legs Suck Ass
I’m one of the (approximately) 10% of people with restless legs syndrome who experience it as pain, and that’s gotten worse as I’ve gotten older.