Repairing those grooves is like spackling with a spork, with no level in sight.
advice / essay / mental health / psychology / relationships / self-doubt / society / sociology
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Society, writing, geekdom, politics, and errata. By Steven Saus.
Repairing those grooves is like spackling with a spork, with no level in sight.
You are not responsible for fixing everything and everyone, only what you are actually able to do.
It’s not enough to just get back to “functional”; you have to take the time to deal with the problem
Knowing is half the battle.
Fair warning here folks: I’m struggling with this topic myself. I think I’m thinking clearly, but I’m still reeling from recent events, and want to be up front about that. I’m just a guy with an opinon.
“Is there something about me that, if other people know it or see it, that I won’t be worthy of connection?”