Sometimes, giving a reason gets you the opposite effect than you want. This is one possible reason why.
Three things that mess up communication without you even realizing it
Brains are tricksy things, and you’ve got to do some due diligence to make sure that the things that are going on in your head are actually… well, […]
An example of gender, power, and privilege that happened to me, and how I tried to make it right
This conversation really happened to me on a dating site, to me. I’ve changed some details, of course. I’m sharing it partially because my amour says it shows […]
But you’d call me Steve: Nicknames and gender
I think that I usually introduce myself as Steve. I’m not sure, though. Maybe it’s Steven. That’s what eight years of only being called by your last name will […]
Men Writing Women
I enjoy "controversial" panels. Partially because I often like to debate things, partially because my background knowledge of the issues is pretty extensive1, and partially, at least in […]
Trained to take it personally
You know what RACEFAIL is, right? (If you don’t, I suggest these two posts from Whatever to get a grip on the issues) There’s three main reasons I’m […]