And why it’s important to do better.
I couldn’t understand why they were upset about a pregen character.
They weren’t happy about the example characters, and I couldn’t understand why. “Look,” they said. “Look at the backstory.”
Then, finally, I saw what upset them.
7 Things I Know About Women – A Guest Post by Graham Storrs
Graham Storrs is a science fiction writer living in rural Queensland. A former research scientist, IT consultant and award-winning software designer, he now lives and writes on a […]
Sexism, Stupid Men, Naked Women On Sherlock, and Doctors Oh My!
Quick: which of these thirty second clips is sexist, and why? Okay, yeah, trick question. They both are – but one is arguably much more sexist than the […]
Writing the Other: Taking a Lesson from Les blanches exotiques
I’ve been following Les blanches exotiques for a few weeks now. It’s usually hilarious (to me) because it’s so damn spot-on. It also flips the discrimination narrative in […]
Men Writing Women
I enjoy "controversial" panels. Partially because I often like to debate things, partially because my background knowledge of the issues is pretty extensive1, and partially, at least in […]