I have different music that I listen to when I write or edit. And soundtracks – especially game soundtracks – really fit that bill nicely. I’ll be talking about some of them here.
The first one I’d like to introduce you to is the Strike Suit Zero OST (Amazon | CD Baby | Google).
The game is a futuristic space flight sim (with some twists), but that only tells you that this isn’t a great soundtrack for your epic fantasy. But anything else – modern action, science fiction, or modern or futuristic horror – this soundtrack delivers the goods.
The main theme (embedded above) really gives you a good sense of what this soundtrack is like. World music with a slight futuristic bent predominates these tracks, and just enough forward momentum and lyric-like stylings to keep things moving forward, but without the distractions that actual lyrics give. The story is just creepy enough that tracks get dark and disturbing (“The Mind in the Machine” comes to mind) without trying to be scary… so you don’t get jump-scares from the music, but it definitely puts you in a tense state of mind.
This is definitely a go-to OST for me when writing. Highly recommended.
And the game’s pretty sweet, too.
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