I had (have) a dangerous thing: A brain weasel that rationalizes away the truth.
Brain Weasels: The Single Most Important Thing To (Not) Do
When your significant other(s) come to you with brain weasels, no matter how crazy the brain weasel is, do not shame them for bringing up their brain weasels. Period.
Holding You Hostage With A Lie: Fears and Brain Weasels
There’s a reason I keep talking about fears, both here and in real life. Fears must be pulled out, dissected, and exposed in the light of day. At […]
Brain Weasels: Jargon That Does Double Duty
Brain weasels, linguistically, are their own entities. By naming them as something other than your sweetie, you’ve managed to address the problematic behavior without actually blaming the person.
Identifying the Common Brain Weasel
Weasels are cute. They are smart. They will also eat your face off, if given the chance.
The worst fear is the one you don’t call a fear
I knew a woman who only had sex when she had been drinking. This held true regardless of whether she was married or not, in a “serious” relationship […]