The following actually happened. I’m not going to say who, or where. But it actually happened to me. I am not paraphrasing; this is as close to verbatim […]
Welcome to the Ministry of Truth, Where Your Pants Are Inflammable
Hi. I’m a postmodernist. I believe everyone has individual perspectives, and that individual truths can be an important thing. One person’s experience may be remarkably different than another, […]
Why We March
There’s folks who think we’re marching and protesting because we’re sore losers. And I guess there’s a small chance of that. But maybe…just maybe… we are looking at […]
You are the cure. Spread the immunization through your words and actions.
Once you have survived any kind of abuse – but especially emotional abuse – it’s almost like you’re immunized. Yes, until the immunization is complete, until your emotional […]
The Golden Throne: How Trump’s Chair Choice Sent Two Different Messages
As individuals, we carry around certain assumptions about how the world works. They’re often unconscious until we drag them into the light. Similarly, our entire culture seems to […]
After the election: The power of a pin or button
I’m home for the second day in a row feeling nauseated; I really haven’t been able to eat much lately (or really wanted to; nausea will do that […]