There is (or is supposed to be, depending on who you ask) a national strike against Trump this Friday. There are naysayers – the LA Progressive sums up […]
The Polite Way They Try To Silence You
“If the protesters would only…” You’ve heard it. Even if the people around you are relentlessly on the same side as yourself, you’ve heard it. Whether it’s framed […]
A Message To Fellow White People: Speak up.
Fellow white people: Speak up against bigotry and fascism. Loudly. Every. Time. In person, online, whenever and wherever you can. Make it a topic of conversation where people […]
Six Rules For Survival Under An Authoritarian Power (Text Transcript)
Printable versions linked as well.
Help Preserve The Rules That Make Our Country Great: Act TODAY.
Dear Republican and Conservative friends, family, and citizens: Last night I went to sleep with the normal cat and mouse game that is our checks and balances and […]
We have waited. Here’s an incomplete list of what we’ve seen.
Remember “wait and see what he does?” To recap, incompletely, LESS THAN A WEEK in office: * On January 19th, 2017, DT said that he would cut funding […]