I actually use a couple of different services for online backup and access – and many of them have saved my bacon in one way or another. Whether […]
Use iPad versions of websites to get an elegant “communication window”
A little (mostly) cross-platform goodness for you today – making a kick-ass separate communications window. I use multiple desktops (built in on most linux installs, VirtuaWin provides it […]
Getting rid of the annoyances with internet radio on Windows and Linux
I’ve loved streaming music for over a decade now (le sigh), but I’ve had four major annoyances: Bulky player interfaces (I’m looking at you, Pandora – linux users, […]
Informative, unobtrusive, minimalistic conky bar
I use conky to make a nice informative bar across the top of my screen (click to embiggen): Lots of cool, useful info I like to have at […]
Dual monitor, single monitor, and HDMI output switcher (including audio) for linux with PulseAudio
One of the minor annoyances I’ve had with computers are the ways they handle switching internal monitor, dual monitor, external monitor, and HDMI outputs. I was able to […]
BASH script to turn Remember The Milk’s RSS Feed into plain text for ifttt
I like Remember The Milk. I like IFThisThenThat. But there’s no easy integration. I hoped that maybe I could parse the RSS feed from Remember The Milk so […]