For reasons far too tedious to go into here1 I needed to control PulseAudio’s volume (and toggle mute) from the command line. I eventually found a Ruby script […]
Why you use “load” instead of “CPU usage” – and how to track iowait in conky
I’ve been using load – as well as CPU and RAM usage – as measures of system stress on my computer for a while now. They all display […]
Tweaking OfflineImap and Gmail
There’s lots of instructions on how to set up offlineimap and gmail online… but none of them quite got it all for me. Nested folders didn’t work right […]
Customizable Tools and Strategies to Keep Your Kids From The Bad Crap Out There
Back in the day, kids would snatch a dirty magazine (or maybe a lingerie catalog) and secret it away. That ain’t today, folks. While I’m not a hugely […]
Save Yourself Five Hours of Frustration When Doing a Five Minute Mobile Makeover
“How to make your site mobile? Why, turn on mobile views in Blogger, of course.” Well, duh. But that doesn’t help at all if you’ve got static websites […]
Fix digital images’ EXIF date with a few simple commands – crossplatform solution!
I just started using a photo manager (yeah, I know), and I realized my EXIF data was all jacked up. The file dates are (usually) right, but a […]